
25 November 2019

Christmas is coming! - winter update

** On a personal note 3 weeks ago: My sleeping problems
** On a personal note 2 weeks ago: Storytime: I was embarrassed to talk to my brother
** On a personal note last week: My body image journey - holding it in (part 2)

How about some information about future posts? Yeah, you got me. I had no time to write a proper blog post and I'm just trying to cover for myself. Update post. Yeah right.

But since we're all here, I did want to mention some updates. I have a feeling it's OK to start talking and thinking about #Blogmas on my blog. For the last few years, I wrote 3 posts a week and they were all Christmas or winter related. Since I cut down my regular posts from 2-a-week to 1-a-week, I guess it would be smart to cut down #Blogmas posts too. I'm still thinking about it and how I'm going to pull it off, but I'll definitely do #Blogmas.

This time you'll be able to get some prizes too. I got some products ready for you guys and you'll just have to keep up with the series to find out more. I'm really excited for it and I hope you'll be too!
Also, follow me on Instagram and Twitter because I'll be opening advent calendar each day and I'll be sharing everything.

And that's all. Thanks for coming and reading and keeping up with my ramblings on my personal blog too :)

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