
05 December 2018

Blogmas 2018: Winter tips and tricks

I basically announced all posts in December will be related to Christmas and holidays, but I also have something else that should be shared during this time. This post will have some Christmas related tips, but also some that I found very useful during these cold days when we usually get sick and our skin is dry and our entire mood can go downfall.

** On a personal note this week: 3 bullsh*ts you're frequently told!

These are the tips (and tricks) I realized over years work the best for me. Of course, you may need to alter them to fit your needs, but in general, these can't hurt. I'll immediately say that I already mentioned some of these during my blogging time. If I have a better explained post, I'll link it, of course. To stop my babbling, here are my top 5 tips and tricks for winter and holiday time!

Skin care & hair care - my winter skin care routine
  • apply oils to your hair after washing
  • apply heavier oils on your face before going to sleep
  • exfoliate dead skin
  • don't skip applying hand cream - my favorite is Nivea SOS hand balm
  • always wear chapstick
  • drink a lot of water
  • beat cold with fruits - I mixed 3 kiwis, handful of blackberries and juice of half an grapefruit and I beat cold in one day (!!)
  • take a small spoon of honey each morning for painless throat (or just take it when you feel the cold coming and sore throat)
  • wear warm socks, gloves and hats - majority of body's heath goes in and out of these spots
  • warm beverages and soups are your best friends
  • plan what you're buying already in November
  • go through all the stores you can think of before buying anything - check all options and prices
  • think about the person more than your self
  • if you're buying stuff for DIYs, plan everything beforehand and you won't spend as much
  • have a Christmas/presents money you'll save all year long so it doesn't seem like spending a bunch of money at once
How will you survive this winter? Any routine that works?

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